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The Royal Ride

      There are certain Names that have a distinctive aura surrounding them for which no description is required. Such Names when heard or spoken give visualizations of their legacy, value, royalty, personality and achievements.  They could be People, Places, Structures or objects of great importance or having a unique place in the world. There are many such examples – Sachin Tendulkar in Cricket, Alfred Hitchcock in Movies, Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower for structures, Mt. Everest, Alps in places, Rolls Royce, Ferrari in cars etc.. When spoken of such, the Name itself reflects so much that a whole book can’t.
      One such name which surely falls in that Category is The Royal Enfield. Royal Enfield initially were weapons manufacturers in the 1800s,which can be seen on their logo- 
A Canon

 In 1890 it was licensed to build motorcycles, bicycles,engines & lawnmowers. During 1900s the first motorcycles were manufactured by the company which was based in Redditch in UK. The company dissolved in 1971. In 1956 Enfield India started assembling motorcycles and in 1962 it started producing complete motorcycles. From then on The Royal Enfield Motors India Limited which is based In Chennai became the sole manufacturer of these fantastic motorcycles which were even exported to United States & Europe. In the many Variants of the Enfield Motor cycles The Bullet was most successful and still is most sold motorcycle of Enfield. There are 350 & 500 cc Variants of Bullet, which now come with a self-start.
      I am a car fanatic, but I was initially fascinated by the Bullet when I heard its engine beat the iconic Thug Thug Thug..  and when I felt its exhaust hitting me 5 feet away.  Many of you who own it would agree that this motorcycle is a class apart. 
      Recently one of my colleagues got himself a 350 cc Royal Enfield Bullet Classic after a year & 3 months wait. He drove to office and I saw it in the parking – A bright maroon colored shining beauty. This was my chance of driving it.  

      My colleague was nice to let me take it for a drive.  I took it out of the stand and kick started the Bullet. The engine instantly roared into life, I felt the powerful yet soft vibrations of the engine under me. The Beat was fabulous, filling up & echoing the closed walls of the parking lot.  (Since the new variants the gear box is made similar to other bikes, on the left side and one down rest up)  I put it in first gear and eased the clutch as I slowly raised the accelerator. Even though I did it very little the Bullet lurched ahead, slowly I put it to second gear & eased it out of the parking and out on to the road. As I accelerated to 40 I was thrilled as never before.The Bullet was magnificent. All apprehensions of handling such a heavy machine swept away. It handled perfectly as if it understands the mind of the rider (prob it does), reacting to full potential with the slightest touch, balance was immaculate. But the best feeling was of immense pleasure, serenity which was unmatched. I drove other good bikes but never came close to the feeling I was enjoying, it was something very unique.
      After I turned to a main road, I slowly accelerated to 50 and then 60. The Bullet responded spot on and sped with Dignity & with a profound sense of Royalty. Yes that was it.. Royalty that never was felt on other bikes. This was different. I am sure many who drive Bullet, Thunderbird or other variants of The Royal Enfield would agree that the first experience of this machine was the best.  It’s a Norm that this is not for zigzagging across the lanes overtaking harshly or rash driving. It deserves to be driven with respect & royally otherwise you definitely don’t deserve it.

      This is what I felt during my first ever Royal Ride of the Bullet. It gave me a feeling of how it feels to be driven by a Bike rather than driving it. I solemnly put the bike back in the parking after a few minutes of best drive of my life. 

It left me ecstatic & wanting for more, which I was too hesitant to ask. Probably he would be too nice to let me have it again.

Heads turn instinctively when a Royal Enfield goes by. The logo of The Royal Enfield is well Justified –
                                   “Made Like a gun, goes like Bullet” 
or if I may put my own feeling to one sentence..

                                             Driven By the Bike”

4-8-12  0010 SAT


  1. Good to read from you, i would share the similar sentiments on 'being driven' by this class of machine. It feels different, magnificently different..
    Just to share, honestly i seldom take the driver's seat, but the fist bike i drove was the class 6 or 7th when my Dad wasn't at home, was practising to start it for many days.. and finally i was sure i could start it, moved it out & then it took me for an unforgettable ride...My Bro bursting with joy & imp to mention, Daddy looked at me smiling & patted me learning i could get along with this loved M/c. While my buaji complained endlessly.

    Going through above, made me share the feelings..

    Eager to hear more from you...

  2. Wonderful sharing of the experience you had with bullet .Defenitely it deserves the dignity and pride to own :)

  3. Anonymous20/8/12 23:06

    A true story of Exhilaration !!!
    I felt the same when I first took a Bullet on Ludhiana Roads at midnight.:-)
    The machine is so well balanced & powerful, that one feels awe stuck while driving.

    Anuj Sehgal

  4. I hope this is venkys bike picture....


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